1470nm Endovenous Laser Therapy EVLT Surgery Greater Saphenous Vein Laser Treatment
EVLT- Endovenous laser treatment- 1470nm+980nm(1940) laser for minimaly invisave treatment
The 1470nm laser wavelengt is effectively used in the treatment of the varicose veins, 1470nm wavelength is preferentially absorbed by water 40 times more than a 980-nm wavelength,
the 1470nm laser will minimize any post-operative pain and bruising and the patients will recovery quickly and back to daily work in short time.
Applications :
Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic problem but may cause serious clinical complications such as severe pain, leg swelling, heaviness, veneous eczema, venous ulcer, Phlebitis and thrombosis.
Thrombosis, in severe cases, may lead to pulmonary embolism with fatal outcome.
Advantages Of Endovenous Laser For Varicose Veins Treatment:
* Minimally invasive, less bleeding.
* Curative effect: operation under direct vision, the main branch can closed of tortuous vein clumps
* Surgical operation is simple, treatment time is greatly shortened, reduce patient's much pain
* Patients with mild disease can be treated in the outpatient service.
* Postoperative secondary infection, less pain, quick recovery.
* Beautiful appearance, almost no scar after surgery.